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دوره آموزش فراتر از Perl

دوره آموزش فراتر از Perl

این آموزش تصویری مباحث تکمیلی برنامه نویسی Perl را آموزش می دهد.

در درس اول با مفاهیم Perl آشنا می شوید و چند تمرین ساده را انجام می دهید.

در درس دوم با مبحث regular expressions همراه با چند مثال ساده آشنا می شوید.

درس سوم کار با آرایه ها، هش ها و … را آموزش می دهد.

از درس چهارم تا نهم نیز با مباحثی مانند اجرای کدهای Perl در زمان اجرا، استفاده از کلاسها و متودها، کار با تاریخ و زمان، ساخت صفحات HTML به صورت داینامیک، کار با دیتابیس و .. آشنا می شوید.

این دوره آموزشی محصول LiveLessons می باشد.

این فیلم آموزشی اوریجینال بوده و به زبان انگلیسی ساده و روان ، در محیط نرم افزار و قابل درک برای همه تدریس می گردد

5+ Hours of Video Instruction
In this video, Beyond Perl Fundamentals LiveLessons, Perl author and trainer Peter Scott builds on the foundation established in his successful Perl Fundamentals. It provides Perl developers with the practical knowledge they need to create complex programs for today’s demanding applications. After a prerequisite review and a tour of some more advanced regular expression features, this course takes off down a path of crafting and using reusable code. Explaining references and multidimensional data structures opens the door to creating modules and objects. Applied object-oriented programming comes in for special attention as Scott covers best-of-breed modules available for database and web programming, and how to install them from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. The course concludes with a project using the Dancer framework to build a web-based application. If you already understand the basics of Perl programming, this video will give you the advanced education you need to master the real power of Perl and use it at today’s leading-edge technology businesses.
Peter J. Scott is the author of the Perl Fundamentals LiveLessons video course (2009), and the books Perl Medic (2004) and Perl Debugged (2001), all from Addison-Wesley. In addition to providing Perl training, mentoring, and code review, he has spoken at OSCON, on the Perl Whirl cruise and at YAPC, and founded his local Perl Monger group. A software developer since 1981 and a Perl developer since 1992, he has also developed for NASA\`s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He also authored the Perl Certificate series of online courses for the O\'Reilly School of Technology. Scott graduated from Cambridge University, England, with a Master of Arts Degree in Computer Science and now lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Grace, daughter Alana, two cats, and a parrot, at least one of which also knows Perl.
Video Course Summary
The examples in each lesson build upon a common dataset, developing different applications and
interfaces based on each lesson’s topics.
Lesson 1
This lesson reviews the fundamentals and prerequisites for this course, how to run Perl and the
examples, and goes through a sample program as a practical way of reinforcing that information, plus an
introduction to Perl’s documentation format.
Lesson 2
This deeper exploration of regular expressions explains nongreedy matching, lookahead and lookbehind,
saving regular expressions in variables, and named capture groups, with a little diversion into Unicode.
Lesson 3
We tackle references, the key to objects: How to create named and anonymous references to scalars,
arrays, and hashes, ways of deferencing, creating and traversing hierarchical data structures, code
references and dispatch tables, and top it off with an example implementing the Game of Life.
Lesson 4
This lesson shows how to separate code into files and use packages for namespaces. It provides the
basis for code reuse and the distinction between compile- and run-time executed code.
Lesson 5
This lesson introduces object-oriented programming in Perl: Creating and using classes, methods, and
inheritance, including creating your own constructors and underlying data representation. It adds an
explanation of Perl’s exception handling and testing mechanisms.
Lesson 6
We look at some useful modules, such as, and others for date manipulation and HTML
templating, and how to find what you need on CPAN.
Lesson 7
After looking at how object programming in Perl rapidly becomes repetitive, we show how to simplify it
using the Moose framework, and how to use attributes, roles, delegation, and method signatures.
Lesson 8
Exploring more useful and complex CPAN modules, we first look at DBI for database interfacing, using
SQLite and MySQL as examples, and then move on to WWW::Mechanize for web server interaction, and
HTML::Parser for web page parsing, adding in a module-driven progress meter.
Lesson 9
This final lesson builds a complete web application using the Dancer framework, using its routes,
templates, and database integration to demonstrate the simplicity of implementing a complex site.
The appendix demonstrates how to install Perl itself and a variety of ways of installing modules at the
system and user level.

این فیلم آموزشی اوریجینال بوده و به زبان انگلیسی ساده و روان ، در محیط نرم افزار و قابل درک برای همه تدریس می گردد

قیمت : 10000 تومان

روش خرید: برای خرید "دوره آموزش فراتر از Perl" ، پس از کلیک روی دکمه زیر و تکمیل فرم سفارش، ابتدا محصول یا محصولات مورد نظرتان را درب منزل یا محل کار تحویل بگیرید، سپس وجه کالا و هزینه ارسال را به مامور پست بپردازید. جهت مشاهده فرم خرید، روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.

1-روی دکمه خرید پستی کلیک نمایید.
2-فرم مربوطه را به صورت کامل و صحیح پر نمایید.
3-سفارش خود را درب منزل از پستچی تحویل گرفته سپس هزینه را پرداخت نمایید.

سایر محصولات :
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کلمات کلیدی :وره آموزش فراتر the dancer framework object oriented programming فیلم آموزشی اوریجینال این فیلم آموزشی perl fundamentals livelessons وره آموزش آموزش فراتر perl fundamentals and how the perl روی کمه regular expressions for database dancer framework the dancer lesson آموزش using programming video modules course regular
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